Cork boards are thin slabs made of cork – a type of soft bark that can be harvested from a live oak tree without wreaking havoc on it. Since they are eco-friendly, people use them for various purposes. As time goes by, more and more creative cute cork board ideas occur.
Cork boards are quite versatile. They can be used for the flooring and wall installation to abate sound, and a piece of board on which you can take down notes. Even smaller cork board chunks can be used as bottle plugs or a DIY mat.
Moreover, cork boards are easy to be find. You can get them from the market or stationary store.
If you think cork boards are mundane with their monotonous color, check out these cork board ideas that can perk your room up. Most of these ideas below were super easy to be made. And the most important is these ideas are affordable.
1. Motivational Quotes for Her

Racing against the time can be somewhat frustrating especially for a young lady. Therefore, you need to decorate her desk meticulously to alleviate the stress. It can be done by adding some light pinks and keeping the desk clean and organized.
To kick it up a notch, hang a cork board under the wall-mounted shelves or whenever you want as long as it is noticeable. Then, pin some motivational quotes to the board in case you need mood boosters.
2. Anchor Them All

This anchor would a perfect embellishment for your kid’s bedroom. It can make a pretty good centerpiece if you hang it over the headboard since the area over the headboard tends to draw eyes.
Therefore, it needs something simple yet noticeable, just like this cute cork anchor. What’s good about this particular idea are:
- It can be a good decoration for your room.
- You can make it yourself by using wood glue and cork boards.
- With its natural color, you can match it with most of your room furnishings.
3. Cork Board Ideas with Pocket

4. Cork Map on The Board

Some people use a map as a centerpiece of a room. It is classic yet works well. Let’s try to tweak this idea a bit. You will not hang a printed map. You will hang a map made out of cork stoppers, instead, to provide a 3D finish.
To make this idea more enticing, you can:
- Use a cartoon character, such as Mickey Mouse instead of a map.
- Put a frame on this decoration.
5. Perfect Wall Gallery

6. Let’s Pull an All Nighter

Struggling with the formulas of Math and Physics? This cork board idea will definitely help you to pull an all nightery. You do not have to go back to the page containing the formulas.
All you need to do is just hang a cork board right in front of you, jot down all the formulas you need to fathom, and – of course – pin them up on the board.
By organizing the formulas, you will get several benefits as follows:
- You will be able to find the formula in a jiffy.
- By using colored sticky notes, you will have a nice centerpiece containing formulas above your desk.
7. All-in-One Panache Rack

This is such a great idea for those who are into rustic look. A number of cork stoppers attached on a well-worn board will add charm to your mudroom.
It is not only charming but also functional. You can tack down a few paper pins to hold memos and keys in place.
8. Cork Boards in Black Frames

9. Empty The Glasses!

Do you need an epic wall décor for your living room or dining room? You can try this creative idea. To get this look, you are going to need two glasses, a board with frame, and lots of cork stoppers.
This wall décor will impress your guests with the dramatic look. It looks as if the glasses were pouring cork stoppers rather than wine. Simple yet epic.
10. Focal Point of an Office

11. DIY Golden Pins for Your Cork Boards

Besides framing a cork board, you can also dye some pins and buttons to improve the look of the board.
These golden buttons and pins are your safe bet if you want to add elegance to your cork board. To make the small pins more noticeable, attach a button on each pin using hot glue.
12. Show Me Your Love

This huge heart would a splendid focal point in your living room especially if Valentine’s Day is coming.
Besides, this adornment is DIY friendly which means you will not burn a hole in your pocket. You just need to get lots of cork stoppers, paint them a little bit, and arrange them to form a pinkish heart.
13. Beautiful Memories

14. Epic Round Cork Board

Another DIY idea for DIY lovers. Instead of hanging a rectangular cork board which is dime a dozen, you can give this idea a whirl.
Again, you are going to work with cork stoppers, some glue, and floral tape. After binding them together, you can simply attach them to the wall or hang them using jute rope for a more rustic look.
15. Monthly Schedule Cork Board Idea

Planning your vacation and some other big days is thrilling. Unfortunately, the busy days will make you forget about the plans you have made, and end up ruining them.
Here comes a wonderful solution if you keep forgetting things. This monthly schedule cork board allows you to make as many plans as you want. The large size makes it a great reminder for you.
16. Love Messages for Family

17. A Board of Memories

Why do you have to trap your beautiful memories in your computer or phone if you can show them off?
You might find many ideas to hang your photos, but if you want to go with an effortless way, try mounting a cork board and tack your photos down to it.
Quote: Bad memories are not something that you can regret. You can’t change the past, but you can better your future by learning from those bad memories.
18. Frame The Corks

19. Color Up Your Cork Board

You might find cork boards are somewhat blah. Did you know that you can beef them up by coloring them?
This cork board is full of colorful dots. It may take a while to create this look, but the result would be satisfying. It is like a piece of abstract painting that is ready to enliven your house.
20. Keep Being Motivated

The greatest part of having a cork board on the wall is you can stick any important note on it such as your to-do list, photos, and even motivational quotes that inspire you to overcome your problem.
Quote: you might have gone through lots of ups and downs. Chin up and believe in yourself that the bitterness will be over.
If you think the cork board is a little bit tedious, you can add a black frame. The frame would lend the touch of boldness.
21. Cork Board with World Map and Picture Hanger

22. Cork Board Idea for Your Mudroom

Adding a small cork board on the rack of in your mudroom is worth trying since this is the room that will not be missed by the entire family members.
You can attach important memos reminding them of what they should do. You can even attach some photos to remind them of the great time you had.
23. Multifunctional Cork Board Wall

Instead of mounting a small cork board, try opting a much bigger one like making an accent wall out of cork board sheet. This wall will enable you to have an unrelenting fun.
This accent wall is suitable for your kitchen, office, and mudroom. You can even include it in your master bedroom ideas for a great accent wall.
24. Girly Cork Board for a Girl Room

25. Fancy Cork Board

To get a fabulous and flawless look, you need to put on a little makeup. You might also need some inspirations to do this.
Therefore, you had better to print out step-by-step makeup tutorials and some photos of prominent models for your makeup inspiration.
Once you have got all the tutorials, hang a cork board on the wall. If the natural brown finish is not your style, cover it with pale pink fabric with golden beads around the board to frame it. This will be one of the best makeup room ideas.
26. Stencil Your Cork Board

27. Glamorous Cork Board

Matching is a ubiquitous thing you can do to bring harmony. And you can learn what a harmony is from this cork board.
It looks great among white wall and furniture although it features different color, thanks to the golden frame that supplements the structure of the white chair well.
28. Cork Board with String Light

This compact room would not be so fabulous without the vanity mirror with lights and the cork board. The LED string lights illuminate the room, making it look brighter so it will feel less crammed.
It would be nicer if you pin some photos or motivational quotes on the board and let the string light accentuate them.
29. Rustic Cork Board

30. Superhero Goals

Every kid dreams about being a superhero. Well, you know it will not happen, won’t you?
But, at least, make his dream come true by decorating his bedroom using this cork board idea. You can add a message on the board to encourage him to do a good deed like a real superhero.
31. Shabby Chic Cork Board Idea

Don’t you think this cork board is beautiful and elegant? You cannot find the boring finish anymore as it has been covered with jute.
All you can see is just the charming board with DIY fabric flowers at the top corner that is ready to embellish the hallway.
32. Love Messages to All

A Step by Step Guide to Installing Cork Board Walls
Do you want some more cork board ideas? Try installing cork board walls in your bedroom or office instead of some smaller ones.
You do not need to have an expert install the cork board walls since you can do it yourself. Here is our simple step-by-step guide to installing cork board walls.
You Should Prepare:
- Cork roll or cork sheet
- Glue or Adhesive
- A utility knife
- Hook blade
- Masking tape
- Seam and strip cutter
- Tape
- String & chalk (plumb line)
- Roller
Cork Preparation:
- Measure the desired area that you want to cover
- Cut your cork sheet or cork roll roughly 2-3 inches longer than needed to ensure a perfect trim at installation
- Massage out any end curl in your cork material to eliminate any puffing which can prevent your cork sheet from completely stick to the wall surface.
- Cut your cork sheet or roll to precise measurements that you desire. You can do it by cutting off the factory edge and keeping your materials clean for the installation. Make sure you do it carefully.
- First, score your cork roll using a utility knife to trace over your exact measurements
- Next, use a hook blade to slightly undercut the edge by holding at an angle. Cut completely through your cork material.
- If you need to install multiple cork sheets or rolls onto to a larger wall, try using masking tape on the floor to match up your pieces. Make sure you overlap them one another by an inch or so. Use a strip cutter to cut your seam, creating a tight fit between the two cork pieces.
- Before moving on to installing it on the wall, mark your cork rolls with tape stretched across the seam. Cut to separate. And then, you can match these markers to make sure it’s exactly fit for the installation.
- Make sure your wall has been cleaned thoroughly to prevent any failure in adhesive. You might also need to test your adhesive in a small area to see whether or not the surface is ready for installation.
- If you have a painted wall, slightly sand it down to help adhesive grip. If it has porous surface, prime it before applying adhesive. However, if it has wallpapered surface, remove wall covering and sand off any residue.
- A plumb can be use to determine a vertical guideline when installing your cork. Use chalk to mark this line.
How to Install the Cork Onto the Wall
- First, you can put the cut cork roll to the wall following the vertical line mark that has been made. Outline the remaining edges.
- Attach the cork adhesive onto the wall. You should do this one by one. Make sure that the adhesive is wet for installing the cork. Remember to reapply the adhesive, when it gets dry.
- Gently line up the cork roll to its spot. Don’t forget to press it onto adhesive.
- Finally, use a wall roller to firmly press the material onto the wall, working out any bubbles.
Now, you know that cork boards are not only used to tack-down some information. With these cork board ideas, you can perk your room up in different ways.