A military haircut is one of the most favorite haircuts for men. It’s because this hairstyle only requires low maintenance. Lately, this haircut has been reaching a good popularity among guys.
Once, this haircut is very exclusive which is only reserved for military personnel. Today, this haircut has become a hairstyle that makes a statement in fashion.
Those 13 hairstyles for the military will be provided in the page to inspire you to cut your hair short, really short.
All of them have been popular at some point since the first world war. In this modern era, all of them are still used to express manly character for men.
1. Flat Top Military Haircut Styles

Apparently, this diesel haircut isn’t feasible for curly hair. In the video game “Street Fighter”, there’s a character named Guile which represents the military character in the game.
He has a yellow flat top haircut which is quite special for him.
Quote: Getting this haircut on men who loves video game would be something lovely for them. It’s like bringing back some good childhood memories when playing this classic games.
This strict haircut needs to be carefully trimmed, especially on the top. Make sure that hair would form a flat surface when it’s brushed or lifted up.
A high fade is done on the back and sides to highlight the flat top. Another name for a flat-top haircut is the horseshoe flat top.
2. Military Haircut Fade Style

One of the most used military haircuts is this fade style. Typically, this haircut is done on the back and sides of the head to taper with a decreasing in length of the hair.
Then fade could end up at the different heights on the back and sides of the head. Actually, there are three types of fade haircuts:
3. High and Tight Military Haircut

This is such a cool haircut that’s created for the manly person. It’s a haircut that’s close to the characteristic of the military.
It looks powerful, brave, and strong. I guess the military personnel deserves to be as manly as this haircut.
Basically, the hair is shaved to be very short all over the sides and back of the head while the top hair is cut about one inch or so.
Usually, the top hair is clipped with a guard length of 1 or 2 numbers that are higher than the back and sides of the head.
Quote: The high and tight haircut has no real smoothing of the edges. You need to fade it properly because if it’s not properly faded and smoothed, you’ll probably look like a walking mushroom and that’s far away from “manly”.
4. The Recon Military Haircut for Men

This super cool and manly haircut is so ideal for you who look for an extreme version of a military haircut. I call it “extreme” because of its strong look.
I guess, with a strong facial expression you can deliver, this recon haircut would rock appearance in the most powerful way.
Basically, this is a higher version of the high and tight haircut we already explained in the previous section. The difference between the regular high and tight haircut is on the top hair.
In the middle of the top of the head, there’s a mere strip of hair which left all around it shaved. It possibly looks almost bald.
5. Military Haircut Regulations

This is the usual haircut in the military. The regulation cut has the top hair for up to two inches. On the back and sides of the head, the hair is tapered rapidly to the skin.
It would result in the line of hearing to be running across the back and sides of the head and it will be blended to the skin.
Quote: This haircut is quite common in short hairstyle collection for men. What makes this military haircut lovely is that there’s some length of the hair is left on top. So, you can still style it as you want. It would definitely make you look good.
6. Crew Cut for Miltary

Basically, it’s a conservative haircut that has been used for military men and sportsmen. It’s because this haircut is super comfy to support productive activities that they do every day.
In football or soccer, you may see a lot of athletes wearing a crew haircut. This is a simple cut that’s made especially for military personnel.
7. Ivy league Military Haircut

This haircut is quite similar to the crew cut, only a little bit longer. The name ivy league was originally from the universities of Ivy League.
It’s very popular with the undergraduates of that university. Although, this haircut has been used a lot by military men alike.
Quote: This haircut is also called as a Princeton Clip, Harvard Clip, or a Brown Clip. It’s more popular with the university names rather than any standardized name for a hairstyle.
Basically, this ivy league is just a crew cut with a long hair. Unlike the crew cut, this ivy league cut is longer on the back and sides even if the hair is still got tapered.
It’s also still finished with a clipper at the line of the hair.
8. Undercut Military Hair

There’s a lot of undercut style for men that you can choose to be on your head.
But when it comes to a military haircut, it’s a different story. If it’s the military version of undercut, you have to keep it short.
Quote: Actually, you can have a medium length hairstyles men hair on top with undercut style, only if you’re already allowed.
Informally, people have known an undercut hairstyle as a Darmody haircut, or an SS haircut. Lately, this haircut is trending all over the world, it’s an attractive choice of a haircut among men.
In the US, every man under 25 years old must be having the undercut hairstyle. It’s like no one knows how it becomes so popular.
9. Brush Cut Military Hairstyle

In some section before this, there’s a flat top haircut that’s quite similar with this brush cut. The difference between those cuts is the non-flat surface. Brush cut won’t give you a flat top when lifted up.
This haircut is not only designed for men with straight hair. If you have a curly hair, you can also own this hairstyle but do not use a comb or ordinary brush to brush your hair. Instead, you can have a wide-tooth comb.
10. Induction Cut Military

This is the cut that you get the first time you enter the boot camp. It’s called as induction cut because it’s the hair for the new recruits.
Quote: This haircut is the shortest of the classic haircut of the military. Compared to the other military haircuts, the induction cut is the easiest one to do and you don’t need to style or fade your cut.
This haircut is like the basic of the two more military cut I’m about to tell you. There three longer variations of this cut:
- Burr Cut: It uses guard number 1 or 2.
- Butch Cut:It uses number 3 or 4.
- Birch Cut:It uses the number above 4 to 5 and a half.
11. Burr Cut Military Hairstyle

Burr haircut is like one level above the induction cut for the hair length. It’s clipped with number one or two of a guard.
The guard would leave your hair about 1/8 of an inch. You may wanna read about the lengths of hair clipper.
Quote: Basically, it’s just the same as the induction cut. The hair would be clipped all of the head with same guard number. All plain and basic without styling or fading.
12. Butch Cut Military Style

Meanwhile, a butch cut is the longest cut compared to burr and induction cut, in terms of hair length.
You can achieve it easily by clipping the hair all around with higher guard numbers than the burr cut. This hair is apparently just a grown version of induction.
13. The Birch Military Haircut

This is actually just an additional haircut in the military category. But, it’s quite important to be mentioned in this list, so you can have more ideas to explore.
Compared to the butch cut, the birch cut is one step ahead of it, in terms of hair length.
14. Military Haircuts Near Me

There must be many barbershops nearby your area to get you the military haircut you want.
You have to consider your face shape or hair type before choosing the right military haircut for your head.
I guess this type of haircut is not only worn by an adult, kids are also allowed to have one.
15. Kids Hairstyles Military Haircut

Of course, some military haircuts would become a nice recommendation for your kids hairstyles.
Some people might think that the super manly cut like military haircut can’t be cute. As you can see, a military haircut could also look so adorable on your kids.
You just need to choose what’s the best cut for your kids.
Quote: The key of styling your kid’s hair is to make it as comfy as possible. According to the kid’s character which must be very active, you need to get them the neat and short hair to support.
It is really clear that a military haircut is short and very short hairstyles. Men really love short hair because it’s really quick to cut and quick to style.
And one thing for sure, even though it’s named as military-style cut, it’s not only for military personnel.
For civilians like us, we’re also allowed to choose one of the haircuts from the military category for our own.
In fact, the military haircut gets so popular in the civilian population. In the military itself, getting a very short haircut is a must, not because they like it.