16 Wonderful She Shed Ideas You’ll Want to Escape to!

We all know what a man cave is. It is the space a man can decorate as he wishes. Now, there is a similar version for the ladies. Namely, she shed. Just like a man cave, a she shed’s purpose is entirely for the owner to decide. If you haven’t decided, here we listed 16 she shed ideas to inspire you.

We listed various ideas that you can apply for your she shed. From a relaxing space, a library, a reading nook to an outdoor living room. Let’s get to these ideas now, shall we?

Eclectic She Shed Ideas

she shed building plans
source : kloterfarms

The first idea in our list is she shed book library and reading nook. Reading requires a quiet place and it is often difficult to find such a place in our house. In that case, turning the shed into a library and reading nook is certainly a good idea.

You don’t have to have a large shed for this. As long as there is enough space for a sofa, bookcase and a table, it will be more than enough. Decorating your she shed/library/reading nook won’t hurt, too.

Gardening She Shed

she shed decorating ideas
source : betweennapsontheporch

What is better than having an outdoor garden? That’s simple. A garden with an outdoor living room. When you turn you are she shed into an outdoor living room, you have an extra comfort space in which you can enjoy the feeling and scenery of your garden.

If you have an outdoor garden, this idea is undoubtedly among the best she shed ideas. A natural outdoor living room makes a great place for a quick retreat to escape from your routine.

Who doesn’t like an outdoor garden? If you want to make your garden yet don’t know how it should look like, our garden ideas here can help.

Garden Retreat

she shed room ideas
source : BHG

Another alternative to combine a she shed with an outdoor garden is to create an ‘open’ gazebo. An ‘open’ gazebo allows you to enjoy the outdoor view and at the same time, feels the freshness and breeze from the garden.

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Want to make it more comfortable? Add a sofa or, if you have the space for it, a bed into the gazebo. You can also add a rug underneath to make the gazebo warmer.

If you have a lush, green garden, using unfinished wood as the shed’s materials is a great idea as it has a more natural vibe to it.

Nature She Shed

she shed interior decorating ideas
source : countryliving

The next idea in our she shed ideas list is for those who like to add a chic touch in their shed. A chic living room gives off an inviting, friendly and welcoming vibe. This is a perfect choice if you often have guests visiting.

As for the she shed interiors, there are many things you can include in it. For example, an old-looking ladder with signs of wear and tear, lots of white surfaces, unfinished wood, and a beautiful chandelier. Want to add warmth? Just add a neutral-colored carpet on the floor.

She Shed Tree House

she shed plans free
source : smartcreativewomen

An extra bedroom is always welcome, especially a beautiful and comfy one. How could they not? It may be a guest is sleeping over and you haven’t prepared for it.

Maybe you want to rest in a different room. Or perhaps you just want to enjoy the outdoors during the night. In such a situation, having an extra bedroom is bliss.

She Shed with Porch

she shed ideas pinterest
source : jamaicacottageshop

Nothing beats resting and relaxing in a cottage in the backyard. After finishing all tiring and boring daily routines, retreating into a cottage will surely help you to recharge and refresh yourself.

It doesn’t take much to create a cottage, fortunately. Since it is a private space designed mostly for you, it won’t take much space and materials.

Just be sure that the cottage is enjoyable for you. That’s all that matters. Want to make it more awesome? Add a walking path in the entrance.

She Shed Office Ideas

she shed office ideas
source : aliceinscandiland

Even if your she shed is not spacious, you can still turn it into a comfy reading nook. If you have enough space for

  • a table
  • a chair
  • a coffee table, and
  • a sofa

you are set! These are all that you need. And unlike other she shed ideas, this one doesn’t require elaborate she shed décor too.

The best thing about this reading nook is that you can turn it into a study room as well. A study room, just like a reading nook, needs to be quiet and allows you to focus. There is no better space for that than a she shed in the backyard.

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Backyard She Shed Ideas

she shed furniture ideas
source : johnlewis

Many homeowners create a home office inside their house. That has become a common trend right now. But, what if you don’t have enough space inside your house to create one? Here’s a better solution: turn the she shed into a home office.

A backyard she shed office is a very convenient place to do work. It is quiet, less distracting and best of all, allow you to enjoy the outdoor scenery when you are in a break. Yes, it can be your dream home office.

Relaxing She Shed Designs

she shed ideas inside
source : BHG

There are lots of she shed designs, as you can see from our examples here. But, some of us only want to relax and chill in the shed. In that case, you will like relaxing she shed designs like the above.

Notice how, unlike the previous she shed ideas, the she shed décor doesn’t have anything to do with work, books or business-related items.

Rather, the décor is full of refreshing items, from a hanging seat, pots of greeneries, flowers, a painting, to a guitar. It makes you want to relax inside, doesn’t it?

White She Shed

she shed exterior ideas
source : countryliving

Extra comfort zone comes in various sizes and shapes. Of course, an extra comfort zone created in the shed is among them as well. Notice how the she shed designs are meant to provide comfort.

Compared to the other she shed decorating ideas here, it certainly the most-fitting for a backyard picnic tea-drinking, or just about any other relaxing occasions.

Garden Play House

she shed ideas
Source : lazysundaycooking

Children or adults, everyone just like the idea of a playhouse. Especially if it looks lively, playful and comfortable. If you want something more playful and/or have children, turning the she shed into a playhouse is certainly a nice idea.

While many other she shed decorating ideas involve closing the space, a playhouse shed doesn’t. It is open and accessible to all. Look just how refreshing and comfortable the playhouse is. Who wouldn’t want to relax in there?

A Frame Backyard Sheds

she shed bedroom ideas
source : retrovilla

Sometimes, turning the shed into something different and stands out is the best option. This is particularly true if your garden doesn’t have a focal point yet. A shed with black pyramid-like shape the above will certainly stand out in your backyard.

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The exterior color of the shed is black, differentiating it from the greens outside and making it stand out. As for the inside, you can choose any color of your liking. For example, you can try using lighter colors and playing with contrast to make the she shed more appealing.

Chic Mini Bungalow

she shed sign ideas
source : designdazzle

Moving on to the next idea in our she shed ideas list is a shabby and chic mini bungalow. Since you are free in choosing she shed interiors, why not turn it into a mini bungalow with shabby and chic touches in it? Such a shed is not only stylish, but they can also accommodate the guests as well.

Playhouse She Shed Decor

she shed gift ideas
source : decor_for_kids

A playhouse is always a nice idea. The question is, how should you décor it? We have a good idea for you. Why not paint the shed in white, add unfinished wood surfaces and add greeneries? Such a playhouse may look a bit minimalist, but it looks cute and amazing despite its simplicity.

There is also the fact that lots and lots of greeneries in, around and above the shed make it livelier and fresher. Not to mention if the shed is created in a garden to begin with.

Patio She Shed Design

she shed floor plans
source : BHG

A shed needs not to have an elaborate or complex design to be interesting. Sometimes, simplicity is the best option. The above is a good example of this. Notice how clean and simple looking the she shed is.

Its simplicity, coupled with the light and bold color, grabs the attention of whoever sees it. If you are a minimalist yourself, this one is without a doubt ideal for you.

Need more storage for your stuff? You can always turn your shed into extra storage. If you need insight on how to create shed storage, our shed storage ideas here can help you create one.

Wooden She Shed Ideas

rustic she shed ideas
source : homes

Last but certainly not least in our she shed ideas list is a wooden she shed. Nothing feels more natural than a wooden shed. Especially, if you add vines or other climbing plants above the shed.

Notice how the shed and the rest of the backyard blend well. You can also add a table and chairs outside the shed, allowing you to enjoy the outdoor undisrupted.

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