17 Amazing Entryway Bench Ideas For a Stylish and Organized Home

The entryway matters. And yet, many homeowners neglect their entryway just because it seems unimportant and has little to no effect to the house’s interior. Of course, this is a mistake. It does have a significant effect, as our entryway bench ideas will show you shortly.

We listed 17 ingenious ideas that you can try to improve your entryway and make it far more interesting, functional and welcoming. Let’s start.

Rustic Entryway Bench Ideas

entryway ideas with bench
Source : mcnellyfarmhouselove

A rustic décor gives off a friendly and welcoming vibe. This is why it is among the best option for entryway decors. After all, the main function of the entryway is to welcome the guests into the house. A rustic entryway bench is the perfect choice for that.

Notice there are not just bench but also a shelf, hangers, and wall decorations as well. All of these parts work together to give the rustic feel and look. There is also a small pot on the side of the bench, which is a really nice touch.

Small Corner Entryway

small entryway bench ideas
Source : Pinterest

Next in our entryway bench ideas is for small entryway. Should you décor the entryway if it is small? Although a small space gives you fewer décor options than a large one, you can still work with it to create an interesting entryway. For example, by using a small-sized bench and smaller decorations.

Creativity is required in working with a small space. You need to make sure that you make the best of the available space, including even the corners. You don’t need to create an elaborate entryway. All you need to create is an interesting and welcoming entryway. That is all that matters.

Entryway Bench with Coat Rack

entryway bench and coat rack ideas
Source : shelterness

Take a good look of the entryway above. What do you think? Looks quite stunning, doesn’t it? It has a rustic vibe, yet it looks quite different from most rustic decors. Without a doubt, such a rustic entryway will create an excellent first impression.

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There are plenty of ways to give the entryway a rustic vibe. Using lots of wooden surfaces is a common way but that is not the only way to do so. You can, for example, add a rustic bench, greeneries, pillows, and cushion with earth-tone colors on the bench. Adding gorgeous lighting is a good idea, too.

Entrance Home Decor

entryway bench decor ideas
Source : magnolia

The main function of an entryway is to greet the guests. Although this should be the main focus when styling an entryway, how it looks matter a lot too.

A comfortable entryway that doesn’t look good may give a bad impression. Of course, you don’t want that. So, make the entryway as beautiful as possible.

In addition to adding a beautiful bench, there are myriads of ways to beautify the entryway. For example, adding your favorite quote, hanging a wreath, and adding pillows with patterns, just like the above example.

Bench Seat for Entryway

entryway bench plans woodworking
Source : Pinterest

Do you like

  • The minimalist décor
  • A natural touch, and
  • A good-looking entryway?

If the answer is yes, creating a natural and minimalist entryway is perfect for you. A minimalist entryway with a bit of natural touch gives a calm vibe. Just take a look of the bench and the greeneries. Since not many decorations are used, your guests will be able to enjoy the atmosphere with fewer distractions.

Farmhouse Bench Entryway

farmhouse bench entryway ideas
Source : whitetailfarmhouse

Another example of entry table ideas that looks warm and friendly is a bench with country style. The above is an excellent example of a country décor entryway.

The twist here is the use of crawling vines which complements the bench. The crawling vines add a natural feel to the entryway and make it fresher.

Entryway Bench with Leather

entryway bench ideas pinterest
Source : littlehouseoffour

The previous ideas don’t include leather. That doesn’t mean you can’t. In fact, a leather surface can make an entryway looks way more appealing. Not to mention leather has a unique charm on its own too.

As you may have noticed, this bench is a bit different from the other entryway bench ideas. The bench has a very simplistic design and yet, looks modern. If you like simplicity and modern décor, this kind of bench will fit you well.

Rustic Entryway Bench

rustic entryway bench ideas
Source : Pinterest

Imagine sitting on this entryway bench. What do you feel? Doesn’t it feel warm and welcoming? This entryway bench may not look as elaborate as the others. However, it succeeds in bringing the warm and welcoming vibe that is needed in an entryway.

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Notice how there is a lot of fabrics on the bench. These fabrics add not just texture but also warmth, making the entryway even more comfortable to be in. With such a décor, any guests will feel warm and welcomed.

Farmhouse Christmas Entryway

bench ideas for entryway
Source : lovegrowswild

This is another variation of farmhouse décor. This time, it is an entryway bench mirror combination. A mirror can benefit an entryway in many ways. For instance, it makes the entryway looks larger and more stylish, among others.

To get a complete farmhouse look, choose a bench and a mirror with farmhouse-style frame, especially with wooden material and dark color. Other styles can work, but not as well as ones with farmhouse style.

Entryway Bench Decor

entryway bench design ideas
Source : involvery

Next in our entryway bench ideas list is a ‘gallery.’ Rather than adding a shelf or a mirror, you can turn the entryway into a makeshift ‘gallery.’

This is a great way to make the entryway more personalized as you can express yourself with your favorite photos, artworks and other wall decorations.

Since the main point of interest is the wall decorations, you don’t have to get an elaborate bench. A simple, boxy dark brown bench will be more than enough to accentuate the entryway.

Speaking of entryway wall décor, are you looking for inspiration? If you do, be sure to check out our ideas for wall décor here.

Entryway Bench with Mirror

entryway bench ideas modern
Source : jess__lieu

Want something that is both aesthetic and functional to use with a bench? Consider adding a large mirror above the bench. A large mirror will have larger effects on an entryway, particularly if you are aiming it to be both aesthetic and functional.

A mirror like the above allows you to see your reflection while standing or sitting on the bench. So in addition to makes the entryway a lot more appealing, the mirror also gives you the opportunity to see how you are dressed in the last minutes before you go. Aesthetic? Yes. Functional? Also yes.

Bench Headboards

small entryway ideas with bench
Source : studiosmvd

There is something unique about this vintage bench. It shows the signs of aging, wear, and tear. And yet, it gives off a nostalgic, familiar vibe to it. Feels like a perfect place to reminisce the past, doesn’t it? A vintage bench like can be used as the focal point of the entryway.

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Of course, you don’t have to use an actual old bench. For safety, use a bench and make it age and look worn out. Coating, a bit of chipping, and abrading are some of the ways you can age a bench and make it look vintage.

Refresh Entryway with Mirror

entryway bench and mirror ideas
Source : mirandalehmann

The next in our list of entryway bench ideas is a wooden bench with modern design. Notice how simple the bench looks. The simplicity of the bench allows other pieces of furniture to stand out. In this case, the rug on the floor and the mirror above the bench.

The entryway feels warm and looks stylish, thanks to the rug and the mirror. There is also a plant beside the bench, which adds a refreshing vibe to the room.

If you have a lot of space to spare in the entryway, you can also add an entryway table as well. Not sure of what kind of table to use? See our entryway table ideas here to get insight.

Wooden Entryway Bench

narrow entryway bench ideas
Source : 9thandmayne

Perhaps you are after a more integrated look for your entryway? In that case, choosing the same color scheme for the bench and the floor is among the best entryway bench ideas for you. To add balance and make it more noticeable, add items that have a contrasting color.

Simple Spring Entryway

entryway bench ideas
Source : homeremediesrx

This is another good example of entryway bench ideas to create an integrated look. The previous bench blends with the floor.

This one, on the other hand, blends with the wall. Notice how it has the same color scheme as the wall. Here, the bench allows other items to stand out and get highlighted.

Fall Farmhouse Entryway

entryway bench building plans
Source : farmfreshhomestead

Do you like to decorate your entryway based on the season? Consider adding an entryway bench that can accommodate the seasons.

A bench with a simple design, like the above, is an ideal option. Why? Because due to its simplicity, you can customize it more freely to welcome whatever season is coming.

Simple Bench with To-Do List

entryway bench ideas diy
Source : seedsoffaithdesigns

Lastly in our entryway bench ideas list is more of a functional bench. As you can see, it looks very simple. Yet, it gets highlighted and become among the point of interest of the entryway. The bench looks even better thanks to the to-do list and framed words decorations above

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