15 Best Herb Garden Ideas to Have Fresh Herbs on Hand

Not having a garden space is not a reason why you don’t build a garden. Even with such a small space, you can have a beautiful garden. All that is needed is ingenuity and creativity. To inspire you, below we listed 15 herb garden ideas.

Since our ideas are quite diverse, you probably find one or two that you want to try. With no further ado, here are our ideas.

Vertical Trellis

herb garden ideas outdoor
Source : BHG

You can do a lot with trellis. And that includes using it for your vertical herb garden outdoor. There are two options you can choose from. The first is to plant the herbs inside a container in the trellis and the second is to plant them in separate containers then hang them.

On one hand, when the plants are inside a container, they have a more natural look. On the other, hanging plants is such a good idea too. They save space while keeping your house fresh, not to mention you can customize the pots and make them more attractive.

All Aboard

herb garden design ideas
Source : Pinterest

The next idea in our list of herb garden ideas is to attach pots on wooden boards. For this, you will need several pots and a mini fence. This kind of vertical herb garden indoor is a great idea if you have small space to spare.

Don’t be mistaken, though. Even a small garden like this can add value to your house. It makes the house more interesting and fresher. To make things even better, write the name of each plant on the pot. This will make it easier to recognize and manage the plants.

Hanging Herb Garden Ideas

herb garden design ideas pictures
Source : firstthymemom

What if attaching pots to a wall does not fit your taste? In such a situation, one of the best small herb garden ideas is to hang the pots.

That is, creating your own hanging garden in your house. Hang your pots on an iron frame. To complete the garden look, place some pots on the ground, just underneath the hanging pots.

A hanging garden is quite versatile. How could it not? You can create either herb garden outdoor or indoor and it will still look good. Yes, whether it is outside or inside a house, it is always a nice addition to have.

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Shelved Herb Garden

herb garden ideas for patio
Source : growingspaces

Want something an herb garden outdoor that merges with its surrounding? Consider creating a shelved garden. Rather than placing the pots on the ground or hanging them, you put them on shelves that are attached to a wall or fence.

Compared to most herb garden ideas in our list, this kind of garden is unique. You get shelves that are parts of the wall and at the same time, pots that look contrasting with its surrounding. As expected, the pots stand out, turning the shelved garden into a point of interest.

Do you like to create a personal vertical garden? If you do, you may want to check out our ideas here. Our ideas will give you inspiration on how to make such a garden.

On a Ladder

small herb garden ideas
Source : gardentherapy

Not all herb garden ideas for small spaces require you to buy new items to make them. Speaking of which, do you have an unused ladder? If you do, why not use it to create your herb garden indoor? Having a herb garden on a ladder is certainly a cost-effective way to create a garden in a small space.

To make the mini garden more interesting, choose pots that have a neutral or white color. This way, the pots will accentuate and highlight the wood and the plants. The result? A small yet beautiful herb garden.

Terraced Herb Garden

herb garden ideas pots
Source : apartmenttherapy

This is another example of using repurposed items to create an herb garden. This time, we use buckets. If you have unused metal buckets, don’t throw them away. Instead, turn them into makeshift pots for your herbs.

Don’t worry about their looks. Repurposed buckets look nice and work well with rustic or vintage décor. Want to make it more space-efficient? Easy. Just place the buckets on a step ladder.

Chalk Painted Herb Planters

herb garden planter ideas
Source : rusticandwoven

The next in our herb garden ideas list is a very portable mini garden. You can take the garden anywhere. What you need to do is to place the plants inside small planters and voila! You get a portable herb garden.

If you want to create an herb garden in your kitchen, this is certainly among the best herb garden indoor ideas. To make the room lively and fresher, plant herbs which have a nice scent (like mint, for example).

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Speaking of indoor gardens, are you looking for some indoor garden ideas to get inspiration? If the answer is yes, check out our ideas for indoor gardens here.

Glass Jars Herb

herb garden ideas for small spaces
Source : Pinterest

There is no absolute rule on what can you use as the container of plants. That’s right. You can be as creative as you want, including using glass jars as the containers. If creative herb garden pots are what you want, these glass jars are perfect for you.

The glass jars allow you to see what is inside. Since you can see the soil and roots of the plants, these jars give off a natural vibe. When attached on a white wall, these jars become the focal points thanks to the contrast between the soil’s and the wall’s colors.

DIY Pallet Herb Garden

herb garden diy outdoor
Source : zinawright

Perhaps a DIY herb garden is more to your liking? If that is the case, consider creating herb garden box DIY. Don’t worry. It shouldn’t take much to create. The materials you will need include

  • wooden boards
  • soil
  • fertilizer
  • seeds and/or plants

With a DIY garden, you are free to create an herb garden however you want. From a simple garden like a few layers of container boxes, to elaborate garden with more intricate designs and shapes. Want to make the garden more fun? Write the names of each plant on the board.

‘Stacked’ Vertical Garden

herb garden ideas indoor
Source : homesteading

Let’s say that you have limited space for herb garden indoor. What can you do? Well, why not ‘stack’ the garden? A ‘stacked’ garden looks awesome, too. The above herb garden is a testament to that.

When you ‘stack’ an herb garden, you using available in a very efficient manner. At the same time, you add something valuable to the space. In this case, a ‘stacked’ garden. Such a garden makes the space looks and feels fresher. And you can have it without having a large garden space.

Pallet Herb Garden Ideas

Pallet Herb Garden
Source : Etsy

Suppose you have a tall wooden fence. Yet, you don’t seem to have enough space to make a garden. What can you do? The answer is to use the tall wooden fence as the base of your garden. Create makeshift containers and attach them to the wall. There you go, you get yourself a nice herb garden.

Notice how this pallet garden has several shelves with each shelf holding a different herb. It is certainly among the most space-efficient herb garden ideas in our list.

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Vertical Herb Garden

herb garden box diy
Source : 99palletideas

Take a good look of the herb garden outdoor above. Looks really interesting, isn’t it? As we have said in the beginning, a small space is not a reason why you shouldn’t make your own garden. Hanging planters like the above is one of the best gardening options if you have limited living space.s

Notice how each of the plants has its own container. This makes the garden easily manageable even in such a limited space. Want to make it more interesting? Use boards on which you can write the plants’ names.

Wall Planter

herb garden ideas pinterest
Source : avestyles

Do you like modern and minimalist decors? If you do, creating an herb garden with a modern and minimalist style is certainly among your best herb garden ideas. As expected from the modern and minimalist style, the herb garden looks clean, neat, and very organized.

Notice how the garden has lots of sharp, defining lines, rectangular shapes, and linear arrangement. All of these are the characteristics of modern and minimalist style. Want something that adds a natural touch in your house while still keep it modern and minimalist? Create a modern and minimalist herb garden outdoor like the above.

Outdoor Herb Gardening

backyard herb garden ideas
Source : thegardenglove

Have extra space to spare outside? In that case, consider creating an herb garden outdoor. Unlike previous herb garden ideas, there is no need to use small containers for the garden. With more space available, you can use larger containers with a different shape. For example, circular.

To make the garden more interesting, allow space between the plants. This will allow each of the plant to stand out, while preventing the garden from looking overcrowded. Using containers with lighter colors is also a good idea, too.

Raised Herb Garden Ideas

raised herb garden ideas
Source : thegardenglove

The last in our herb garden ideas is to create square foot herb gardening. This garden basically uses connected box containers with each container containing a plant. Each of the boxes is approximately a square foot, allowing enough space to grow for the herbs.

The best thing about this garden is that it looks very organized as each plant occupies one box. Not only that, due to its organization, maintaining and managing the garden will be a lot easier.

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